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The book of Hosea is a spiritual treasure that brings great riches into the lives of Christian people. Hosea honestly records the grief of his failed marriage, along with his powerful preaching to ancient Israel. His marital struggle is used to provide for us a wonderful picture of God’s mercy and forgiveness. Hosea gives us delightful insight into the loving heart of our covenant-keeping God.

In a series of 38 meditations, this study thoroughly explores each chapter of Hosea’s book. It explains the historic context, but also conveys rich meaning for the lives of modern Christians. Hosea has much to say about the desperate spiritual condition of his nation. Yet his dominant theme is the triumph of God’s faithfulness to His gracious promises in spite of human sin. God’s extraordinary mercy continually urges repentance and seeking the Lord as the pathway to forgiveness and spiritual renewal. Hosea’s teaching reveals God’s direction for pursuit of a vibrant spiritual life. Most importantly, he points to the hope of glorious spiritual restoration that can only be fulfilled by the finished work of Jesus Christ.

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